Call us today for a quote 952-894-8409

Workman Insurance Agency is an independent agency representing several insurance companies, or "carriers", who offer the products that most appropriately meet the needs of our clients. We are well trained and knowledgeable of the complexities in the insurance marketplace. We advise our clients about appropriate amounts of insurance and types of insurance coverage for their particular needs. Since we represent a wide variety of carriers, we have the ability to shop your insurance needs for you so we can find the best coverage at the best price and save you time.
We also have contracts with excess and surplus (E&S) companies that help us place more difficult risks. Each E&S company has several contracts with additional carriers that write unique insurance risks that don't typically "fit" with a standard insurance company. Below you will be able to access more information about the carriers and E&S companies we are proud to represent.

Workman Insurance Agency only works with companies that have an AM Best Rating of A or better. An AM Best Credit Rating is a forward-looking, independent, and objective opinion regarding an insurer's creditworthiness. The opinion represents a comprehensive analysis consisting of an evaluation of balance sheet strength, operating performance and business profile.

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